Program Scientific Platform Virtual Meeting 2021

Program Scientific Platform Virtual Meeting 2021

June 15-17, 2021

Scientific Platforms Virtual Meeting 2021 Program / Programme de la Rencontre virtuelle des plateformes scientifiques 2021

(Veuillez prendre note que l’évènement aura lieu en anglais.)

Thanks to our sponsors

Tuesday, June 15, 2021 (1:00 pm – 4:30 pm ET)

Stories from Scientific Platforms
  • 1:00 pm ET Welcome
    • Claire M. Brown, McGill University, CNSP President, Director, Advanced BioImaging Facility (ABIF) 
  • 1:10 pm ET Keynote : Scientific Platforms and the development of mRNA vaccine delivery system.
    • François Jean, University of British Columbia, Associate Professor, Microbiology and Immunology
    • Pieter Cullis, University of British Columbia,  Professor, Biochemistry
  • 1:55 pm ET       The Québec COVID-19 Biobank as a unique research platform to study COVID-19
    • Vincent Mooser, McGill University, Director, Quebec COVID-19 Biobank
    • Pascale Léon, McGill University, Manager, Quebec COVID-19 Biobank
    • Guillaume Lesage, McGill University, Grants Officer, Strategic Initiatives, Office of the Vice-Principal Research & Innovation
  • 3:00 pm ET       Open Discussion
  • 3:15 pm ET       Scientific Platforms Awards
    • Claire M. Brown, McGill University, CNSP President, Director, Advanced BioImaging Facility (ABIF)
  • 3:55 pm ET       Open Discussion
  • 4:30 pm ET       Post Session Networking (Optional)

Wednesday, June 16, 2021 (1:00 pm – 4:30 pm ET)

Sustainability of Scientific Platforms in Canada: A conversation with the stakeholders

1:00 pm ET       Sustainability of Scientific Platforms in Canada: A conversation with the stakeholders

  • Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI): John Evans Leaders Fund (JELF)
    • Olivier Gagnon, CFI, Manager, JELF Program
    • Claire Samson, CFI, Vice-President
  • Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC): Building Research Partnerships – NSERC Alliance Grants
    • Pam Giberson, NSERC, Manager, Research Partnerships.
  • MITACS: Training Highly Qualified personnel-MITACS Programs
    • Gail Bowkett, MITACS, Director, Innovation Policy, MITACS
  • Panel Discussion

2: 45pm ET       Scientific Platforms from the Institutional Perspective

  • Yves De Koninck, Université Laval, Director of research, Quebec Integrated University health and social services center
  • Marie-Claude Fortin, University of British Columbia, Shared Infrastructure Manager, Vice-President Research & Innovation Office 
  • Guy Levesque, University of Ottawa, Associate Vice-President, Research Support and Infrastructure
  • Panel Discussion

4:00 pm ET       Scientific Platforms Awards

4:30 pm ET       Post Session Networking (Optional)

Thursday, June 17, 2021 (1:00 pm – 4:30 pm ET)

How to Measure Scientific Platform Impact: Metrics and Indicators?

  • 1:00 pm ET       Keynote Presentation: Metrics and Indicators, How to Measure Impact?
    • Vincent Larivière, Université de Montréal, Professor, Observatoire des Sciences et des Technologies
  • 1:45 pm ET       NRC Facilities Review – An Overview
    • Bruce Playfair, National Research Council of Canada (NRC), Leader, Defense and Security Systems
  • 2:10 pm ET       On the importance of measuring the impacts of CFI-funded projects
    • Stéphane Mercure, CFI, Acting Director, Performance, Analytics and Evaluation
  • 2:30pm ET        International Recommendations for Measuring Scientific Platform Impact
    • Laurence Lejeune, CNSP, Vice-President
  • 3:10 pm ET       Scientific Platform Awards
  • 3:45 pm ET       Open Discussion
  • 4:15 pm ET       CNSP Communications Working Group & Closing Remarks
  • 4:30 pm ET       Post Session Networking (Optional)

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