Canadian Network of Scientific Platforms

Advocacy - Education - Networking - Professional development

Scientific Platforms Meeting 2023

November 20,21,22

Please join us at The Neuro, (Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, 3661 University Street, Montreal) to connect to your Canadian scientific platform colleagues.

Register Here


Raise awareness and promote utility of  scientific platform infrastructure and affect how these resources are funded in Canada


Provide opportunities for technology-based training that include courses, workshops and internships. Building technology-based user groups to exchange experience


Strengthening connectivity within the scientific platform community to advance research and improve services to platform users

Professional development

Provide opportunities for professionals to build skills in leadership, administration and management of facility operations

The CNSP answered the call : The 50 – 30 Challenge: Your Diversity Advantage

The 50 – 30 Challenge is an initiative between the Government of Canada, business and diversity organizations. Together with project co-creators, many of whom have been striving to increase corporate[…]

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Scientific Platform Virtual Meeting 2021 – Highlights

2021 Scientific Platform Awards Presentations Presenters: ◆ Jeffrey LeDue, University of British Columbia, NeuroImaging and NeuroComputation Centre◆ Gregory Holloway, University of Waterloo, Quantum-Nano Fabrication and Characterization Facility◆ Mathieu Durand, Université[…]

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Bioimaging North America (BINA) Workshops

Interested in bioimaging? Please visit BINA’s website to learn more about their programs and activities!

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Join CNSP!

If your institution or platform is interested in joining the Network, please fill out our application survey.

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Scientific Platforms at a Glance

Specialized equipment and services
Dedicated Experts Platform Scientists
Discrete Units
Dedicated Space Dedicated Equipement

CNSP in numbers

The Canadian Network of Scientific Platforms is :

Member institutions

Member scientific platforms

People in the network

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